Promoting Academic Success for All Students
Multiple schools, Multiple cities, Georgia (GA)
DETAILS: Location: Central and Northern Georgia; Design: Independent, quasi-experimental, peer-reviewed; Sample: 2,287 students at 4 elementary schools; Measures: Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT), Star Reading; Duration: 3 years.
RESULTS: Of the 4 Title I schools in the sample, 2 were located in urban areas and 2 were located in rural areas. One school in each area was either a high or low implementer of Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math. Results from the CRCT indicated that students in the 2 high-implementing schools outperformed students in the 2 low-implementing comparison schools overall (Effect size, ES = 0.65) and in reading (ES = 0.50), language arts (ES = 0.71), and math (ES = 0.75). Researcher observations confirmed that the 2 high-implementation schools engaged in Accelerated Reader best classroom practices and Accelerated Math best classroom practices more often than the 2 low-implementation schools. Teachers in all schools expressed positive attitudes towards Accelerated Math and Accelerated Reader.
PLEASE NOTE: The Summary of two publications: 1) peer-reviewed journal article: Holmes, C. T., Brown, C. L., & Algozzine, B. (2006). Promoting academic success for all students. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10(3), 141-147., and 2) the technical report: Holmes, C. T., & Brown, C. L. (2003). A controlled evaluation of a total school improvement process, School Renaissance (Tech. Rep.). Athens: University of Georgia, Department of Educational Administration. is available online.
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The Full Technical Report is available online.
Publication Date:
Updated: 11/01/2006
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