The Effects of the School Renaissance Program on Student Achievement in Reading and Mathematics
McKinney Independent School District, McKinney, Texas (TX)
DETAILS: Location: McKinney, Texas; Design: Independent, quasi-experimental, peer-reviewed; Sample: nine elementary and two middle schools, and matched controls; Measures: Texas Learning Index (TLI), Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS); Duration: 5 years.
RESULTS: This retrospective, longitudinal study compared student achievement as measured by the TLI and TAAS between students using Renaissance progress-monitoring tools and matched controls. Researchers found statistically significant, positive effects of Accelerated Reader/Accelerated Math software and best practices on reading and mathematics achievement for elementary students, and on mathematics achievement for middle school students. Students in high-implementation schools scored even higher than comparison schools or low-implementation schools.
PLEASE NOTE: The Summary of two publications: 1) peer-reviewed journal article: Nunnery, J. A., & Ross, S. M. (2007). The effects of the School Renaissance program on student achievement in reading and mathematics. Research in the Schools, 14(1), 40-59., and 2) the technical report: Nunnery, J. A., Ross, S. M., & Goldfeder, E. (2003). The effect of School Renaissance on TAAS scores in the McKinney ISD. Memphis, TN: University of Memphis, Center for Research in Educational Policy. Is available online.
A copy of the Full Article is available online.
The Full Technical Report is available online.
Publication Date:
Updated: 08/10/2010
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