Teacher Effectiveness and Computer Assessment of Reading: Relating Value-Added and Learning Information System Data
Multiple schools, Multiple cities, Tennessee (TN)
DETAILS: Location: Tennessee; Design: Independent, quasi-experimental, peer-reviewed; Sample: 62,739 students in grades 2-8; Measures: Accelerated Reader, Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS); Duration: 1 school year.
RESULTS: This study showed that both student reading volume and percent correct on Accelerated Reader quizzes had a positive impact on teacher effectiveness as measured by TVAAS. In particular, the best practice recommendations of 85% correct and reading within the zone of proximal development (ZPD) were confirmed. Furthermore, teachers completing best practices training were significantly more effective than control teachers who had not completed training. This study supports the National Reading Panels recommendation that teachers need to be actively involved in the process of reading development, and it shows that Accelerated Reader is useful in this process.
PLEASE NOTE: The Summary of this peer-reviewed journal article: Topping, K. J., & Sanders, W. L. (2000). Teacher effectiveness and computer assessment of reading: Relating value-added and learning information systems data. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 11(3), 305-337 is available online.
For a copy of the Full Article, email the Renaissance Research Department: research@renaissance.com.
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