Library Circulation Increases With Accelerated Reader: An Analysis of 3 Journal Articles, 1 Dissertation, and 25 Case Studies
NA (site), NA (city), Alabama (AL), Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), California (CA), Canada, Delaware (DE), Georgia (GA), Idaho (ID), Iowa (IA), Kentucky (KY), Maine (ME), Minnesota (MN), Mississippi (MS), Nebraska (NE), New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), Texas (TX), Washington (WA)
DETAILS: Location: 19 U.S. states, 1 Canadian province; Design: Correlational; Sample: 29 elementary, middle, and high schools; Measure: Library circulation measurements; Duration: Data spans 2-6 years.
RESULTS: A number of research studies document the positive impact of Accelerated Reader on student reading achievement, motivation, and the amount of reading. One would expect that the combination of improved student motivation and teacher encouragement to read would affect library circulation. The purpose of this report was to review and summarize existing research on Accelerated Reader where library circulation was reported, which included 25 case studies, 3 journal articles, and 1 dissertation. The results showed that it is reasonable to conclude that students read more books while using Accelerated Reader, and are perhaps more motivated to read than before their schools implemented the program, so it can be expected that library circulation will increase.
The full report is available online.
Publication Date:
Updated: 09/18/2013
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