Reading More and Monitoring Progress Spell Success for Texas Elementary School
Alice D. Contreras Elementary, Fort Worth, Texas (TX)
DETAILS: School Profile: 870 students in grades pre-K-5; Demographics: Urban, Title I, Bilingual, Free/reduced lunch: 91%; Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino: 92%, White: 5%, Asian/Pacific Islander: 3%; Measure: Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS); Duration: 2003-2006.
RESULTS: Since beginning to use Accelerated Reader, the percent of students at Contreras Elementary that have Met Standards in reading on the TAKS has grown steadily in each grade tested. Fifth-grade scores in particular have grown 34 percentage points, from 55% of students scoring proficient in 2003 to 89% of students scoring proficient in 2006. What's more, the impact of Accelerated Reader to encourage teacher-guided, independent reading of self-selected books and the schools support of parent-child programs to foster a love of reading has prompted students to check out almost 60,000 more books in 2006 as compared to when Accelerated Reader was first implemented in 2001.
The full report is available online.
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