Renaissance Learning Equating Study Report
Multiple schools, Multiple cities, England, United Kingdom
DETAILS: Location: United Kingdom; Design: Reliability and validity research; Sample: Reading: 1,968 primary pupils, 1,034 secondary pupils; Math: 2,006 primary pupils, 883 secondary pupils; Measures: Star Reading, Suffolk Reading Scale 2 Test, Star Maths, Progress in Mathematics Test (PiM); Duration: Autumn 2006.
RESULTS: An equating study was carried out by NFER on behalf of Renaissance, to provide validation evidence for the use of the Star Reading and Star Maths tests in English schools. The study aimed to investigate the correlation between the Star tests and other established tests. Between 11 and 16 schools were involved in the study. A strong correlation was established between Star Reading and the Suffolk Reading Scale 2 tests (correlation coefficient of 0.91). Star Reading scores were also related to reading ages derived from the Suffolk Reading Scale 2, providing an equating graph for comparative purposes. Star Maths and PiM tests were shown to correlate reasonably strongly (correlation coefficients ranging from 0.58 to 0.75 for different PiM tests). Finally, the Star tests and English national curriculum teacher assessment levels correlated well (0.85 for reading and 0.81 for mathematics), particularly in view of the short length of the tests. The strong correlations provide evidence that Star Reading and Star Maths are suitable for use in England.
AUTHORS: Julie Sewell and Marian Sainsbury.
Report available online.
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