An International Linking Study of a Computerized Adaptive Test of Reading With a Traditional Paper-and-Pencil Test of Reading Comprehension
NA (site), NA (city), England, United Kingdom
DETAILS: Location: United Kingdom; Design: Reliability and validity research; Sample: Years 4-9 (Grades 3-8); Measures: Star Reading, Group Reading Test; Duration: Cross-sectional.
RESULTS: Progress in reading is important for children. However, time spent measuring progress is time not spent enhancing it. Computerized adaptive reading testing might help resolve this tension, but can it do so reliably and validly and generate metrics of relevance to practitioners internationally? This pilot study linked data gathered in the UK from a computer-based adaptive test of reading developed and normed in the US to those from a different paper reading test normed in the UK and yielding different output metrics. It explored the effects of gender, mode of presentation, and the linkage between different output metrics. Concurrent validity and concordance between tests was substantial, suggesting it is possible to use a US computer adaptive test of reading skills to estimate reading ages for pupils in the UK. Results held similar for both males and females. Implications for future research and practice were explored.
AUTHORS: Joseph Betts, PhD, MMIS; Keith J. Topping, PhD, and James R. McBride, PhD.
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Publication Date:
Updated: 04/10/2007
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