Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math Are Most Cost-Effective Ways to Improve Student Achievement
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From the Abstract: "Review of cost-effectiveness studies suggests that rapid assessment is more cost effective with regard to student achievement than comprehensive school reform (CSR), cross-age tutoring, computer-assisted instruction, a longer school day, increases in teacher education, teacher experience or teacher salaries, summer school, more rigorous math classes, value-added teacher assessment, class size reduction, a 10% increase in per pupil expenditure, full-day kindergarten, Head Start (preschool), high-standards exit exams, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification, higher teacher licensure test scores, high-quality preschool, an additional school year, voucher programs, or charter schools. Limitations of the study are discussed and the findings are interpreted with regard to studies of the effect of performance feedback on student motivation and perceptions of control over academic outcomes."
Citation: Yeh, S. S. (2010). The cost-effectiveness of 22 approaches for raising student achievement. Journal of Education Finance, 36(1), 38-75.
The full article is available online.
A summary of the article is available online.
Publication Date:
Updated: 06/03/2015
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