Raising reading attainment and reading self efficacy in an all girls' secondary school; new whole language approaches vs. tried and tested synthetic phonics
NA (site), Sunderland, England, United Kingdom
This independent, experimental study compared the reading attainment and intrinsic motivation to read between Intervention Group 1 (Life Boat Literacy), Intervention Group 2 (Accelerated Reader), and a control group. The results of this research found that the group using Accelerated Reader had statistically significant gains in both reading attainment and reading self efficacy compared to the control group and the group using Life Boat Literacy. Accelerated Reader "increased both reading attainment and the intrinsic motivation to read by one standard deviation unit compared to other pupils of a similar age and ability."
Citation: Hall, A. (2011). Raising reading attainment and reading self efficacy in an all girls' secondary school; new whole language approaches vs. tried and tested synthetic phonics (Unpublished dissertation). Durham University School of Education, Durham, England.
(Email research@renaissance.com to request a copy of this study from the Renaissance Research Department.)
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