Accelerated Reader and Young People's Reading in 2013: Findings from the National Literacy Trust's '13 Annual Literacy Survey on Reading Enjoyment, Reading Behaviour Outside Class & Reading Attitudes
multiple schools, multiple cities, England, United Kingdom
DETAILS: Location: United Kingdom; Design: Survey; Sample: 29,422 eight to 16-year-olds.
RESULTS: Findings from this large-scale survey suggests that students who use Accelerated Reader tend to enjoy reading more, read more
often, read a greater variety of fiction texts, and think more positively about reading than those students who do not use Accelerated Reader.
AUTHOR: Christina Clark, National Literacy Trust.
Clark, C. (2013). Accelerated Reader and young people's reading: Findings from the National Literacy Trust's 2012 annual literacy survey on reading enjoyment, reading behaviour outside class and reading attitudes. London: National Literacy Trust. Is available online.
Clark, C. (2014). Accelerated Reader and young people's reading in 2013: Findings from the National Literacy Trust's 2013 annual literacy survey on reading enjoyment, reading behaviour outside class and reading attitudes. London: National Literacy Trust. Is available online.
Publication Date:
Updated: 11/13/2014
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