Early literacy individual growth and development indicators (EL-IGDIs): Growth trajectories using a large, internet-based sample
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From the abstract: "Early literacy individual growth and development indicators (EL-IGDIs) assess preschoolers' expressive vocabulary development and phonological awareness. This study investigated longitudinal change in EL-IGDIs using a large (N = 7355), internet-based sample of 36- to 60-month-old United States preschoolers without identified risks for later achievement delays. There were three major findings. First, results identified sensitivity to longitudinal change for all three EL-IGDIs (i.e., Picture naming, Rhyming, and Alliteration). Second, results demonstrated age-related differences in growth rates between 3- and 4-year-olds, especially for Rhyming and Alliteration. Third, preliminary national norms were reported. Discussion highlights the need for research examining the sensitivity of EL-IGDIs for younger preschoolers."
Citation: Roseth, C. J., Missall, K. N., & McConnell, S. R. (2012). Early literacy individual growth and development indicators (EL-IGDIs): Growth trajectories using a large, internet-based sample. Journal of School Psychology, 50(4), 483-501.
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