Menu of measures: High-quality measures of middle years math student outcomes [Star Math]
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From the abstract: "Understanding how to measure the impact of math instruction is key to improving students overall math performance. This resource provides educators, school district leaders, researchers, and funders a curated list of ways to measure middle grades students' knowledge and enjoyment of math. It also includes a set of criteria that can be used to assess measure quality, as well as context-specific questions to help readers determine if a specific measure is a good fit for their unique circumstances. Mathematica and a panel of researchers in the field of math instruction and measurement originally developed the menu of measures ( including Star Math) for Bill & Melinda Gates grantees who are working to improve math outcomes for students in middle grades who are Black, Latino, and/or experiencing poverty."
Citation: Bruch, J., Lai, I., & Munoz, V. S. (2021, February 28). Menu of measures: High-quality measures of middle years math student outcomes. Mathematica Policy Research.
The Full Review is available online.
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