Measuring the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils using Star Assessments 2022/23
NA (site), NA (city), England, United Kingdom
From the introduction: "This analysis is the second in a series of reports produced by the Education Policy Institute, working in partnership with Renaissance. The purpose of this research programme is to ensure that policy makers and schools have access to robust data on the performance of different pupil groups, so that support is targeted effectively to those who need it most as we continue to recover from the pandemic.
The purpose of this report is to explore the outcomes of pupils from low-income backgrounds in Renaissance's Star Reading and Star Maths assessments. We know from previous analysis that pupils from low-income backgrounds suffered disproportionately from the effects of the pandemic and experienced a greater degree of lost learning. This has been confirmed by measures from statutory assessments in primary schools and GCSE and equivalent qualifications in secondary schools which have shown that the disadvantage gap increased to its widest level in a decade.."
The full report is available online.
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