Computerised Formative Assessment of Reading Comprehension: Field Trials in the U.K.
Multiple schools, Multiple cities, England, United Kingdom
DETAILS: Location: United Kingdom; Design: Independent, peer-reviewed; Sample: 13 schools, primary through a city technology school; Measures: Primary Reading Test (PRT), Group Reading Test II 6-14 (GRT), Star Reading; Duration: 6 months.
RESULTS: Nine of the 13 schools in this study were from disadvantaged areas in the UK. Results indicated a statistically significant average gain in standardized scores for the paper-and-pencil test of 2.84 (n = 559) (p < .001) and an average gain in grade equivalent on the Star Reading test of 0.75 (n = 299) (p < .001) in half a year. The authors concluded that Accelerated Reader had a significant impact on reading achievement in the study schools and that it is critical to implement the program properly and consistently with best practice recommendations. The authors also cited the value of Accelerated Reader as a tool that generates its own implementation integrity data.
PLEASE NOTE: The Summary of this peer-reviewed journal article: Topping, K. J., & Fisher, A. M. (2003). Computerised formative assessment of reading comprehension: Field trials in the U.K. Journal of Research in Reading, 26(3), 267-279 is available online.
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