Testing the Reading Renaissance Program Theory: A Multilevel Analysis of Student and Classroom Effects on Reading Achievement
Multiple schools, Multiple cities, Alabama (AL), Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Delaware (DE), Georgia (GA), Idaho (ID), Illinois (IL), Kentucky (KY), Louisiana (LA), Michigan (MI), Mississippi (MS), Missouri (MO), Nebraska (NE), New Mexico (NM), North Carolin
DETAILS: Location: 24 U.S. states; Design: Independent, correlational; Sample: 50,823 students in grades 1-12 at 139 schools; Measure: Star Reading; Duration: 1 school year.
RESULTS: This study is an independent evaluation of the data from Paul, 2003, available online. In the elementary grades, students in classrooms implementing Accelerated Reader with best practices showed statistically significant improvements in overall achievement level. In middle and high school, teachers who promoted a greater overall reading success rate were able to improve achievement results. Higher average percent correct on Accelerated Reader quizzes and reading at levels above the initial zone of proximal development (ZPD) were linked to greater outcomes. Additionally, even after using rigorous statistical controls for students' initial reading skill levels, reading success rate, and challenge of reading material, the amount of text read was a key predictor of later literacy development.
AUTHORS: Geoffrey D. Borman, PhD and N. Maritza Dowling, PhD.
The Summary of this study is available online.
The Full Report is also available online.
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