Correlation Between Michigan Literacy Progress Profile and Star Early Literacy
NA (site), NA (city), Michigan (MI)
DETAILS: Location: Michigan; Design: Reliability and validity research Sample: 2 elementary schools; Measures: Michigan Literacy Progress Profile (MLPP) and Star Early Literacy data from Fall 2003, Spring 2004.
RESULTS: This study examined the correlation between student performance on 2 early literacy assessments: MLPP and Star Early Literacy. Because the MLPP consists of several individual tests and has no overall score, the correlation between the assessments had to be conducted test by test. Most of the MLPP tests used by the elementary schools in the study were matched with Star Early Literacy literacy domains that measured very similar skills. MLPP tests were also correlated with Star Early Literacy scaled scores. The results revealed high to very high correlations at significant levels in Fall 2003, and somewhat lower but still significant correlations for Spring 2004.
The full report is available online.
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