Reading and Math State Test Scores Climb at Rural Texas School
Finley-Oates Elementary School, Bonham, Texas (TX)
DETAILS: School Profile: 600 students in grades: K-3; Demographics: Rural, Title I, Limited English proficiency: 8%, Free/reduced lunch: 57%, Mobility: 22%; Race/Ethnicity: Black or African American: 10.0%, White: 76.0%, Hispanic or Latino: 11.5%, Asian or Pacific Islander: 0.5%, American Indian or Alaska Native: 2.0%.
RESULTS: The schools implementation of Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math helped to increase the percentage of students who Met Standard and received Commended Performance in reading, mathematics, and all subjects tested on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS).
REPORTING EDUCATOR: Linda Staton, principal. The full report is available online.
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