WestEd External review for Renaissance: Star Early Learning (Star Early Literacy and Star Reading): Interim Assessment, Colorado READ Act Evaluation
NA (site), NA (city), Colorado (CO)
About the review: "The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has contracted with WestEd (www.WestEd.org), a national, nonprofit, nonpartisan research and development organization, to conduct the legislatively mandated READ ACT Evaluation. CDE selected the WestEd-led partnership, including Augenblick, Palaich and Associates (www.apa-consulting.net) and RTI International (www.rti.org), through a competitive bidding process conducted between October and December 2019. The purpose of this component of the evaluation is to assess whether CDE-approved assessments meet the requirements of SB 19-199 and widely accepted professional technical and quality criteria. This report begins with ratings regarding the extent to which the vendor-provided assessment evidence addresses the SB 19-199 requirements and the additional technical and quality criteria. It then details how we made our summary ratings, first across the legislative requirements and then across the additional criteria, including a selection of descriptive notes on the findings. The final page includes a summary rating for both the SB 19-199 requirements and the additional technical and quality criteria and, if relevant, a rationale for removal from the advisory list."
The review is available online.
Publication Date:
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