Investigate the Effectiveness of the Accelerated Reader Program on Primary School Students' Reading Outcomes in China
NA (site), NA (city), China
From the results; "This quantitative research aimed to assess the effects of AR as a strategy to improve students' reading achievements and scaled scores. To this end, I collected perspectives from teachers who used AR for their Chinese primary tudents. In this section, I mainly present the results of the data analysis. First, I report the participants' and their students' demographic characteristics. Next, I present descriptive statistics and a Wilcoxon signed-rank test to analyse the effects of AR. Then, I illustrate the results of the correlation and multiple linear regression analyses used to test the relationships between the AR mechanisms and reading achievements. Lastly, the main points demonstrated in the chapter are summarised."
Citation: Tan, H., Yang, F., Zhang, H., & Chakraborty, D. (2022, October). Inveestigate the effectiveness of the Accelerated Reader program on primary school students' reading outcomes in China. Monash University.
(Email to request a copy of this study from the Renaissance Research Department.)
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