Inner-City School More Than Doubles Passing Rates on North Caroline End-of Grade Test
Highland Academy, Charlotte, North Carolina (NC)
DETAILS: School Profile: 309 students in grades K-5; Demographics: Inner City, Urban, Free/reduced lunch: 94%, Mobility: 34%; Race/Ethnicity: American Indian/Alaska Native: 1%, Asian/Pacific Islander: 7%, Black/African American: 77%, Hispanic/Latino: 2%, White: 11%, Multi-Racial: 1%; Measure: North Carolina End-of-Grade Test (EOG); Duration: 1997-2002.
RESULTS: In 1997, 36.3% of 3rd- through 5th-grade students at Highland Academy scored at or above grade level on the reading and math composite of the North Carolina EOG. The school was labeled low-performing and received a state assistance team. In 1998, the school was awarded a Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration Grant, which was used to purchase and implement Accelerated Reader. Then, in 1999, the school implemented Accelerated Math. Since beginning to use these tools, the percent of 3rd- through 5th-grade students scoring at or above grade level on the reading and math composite of the EOG has risen steadily up to 82.2% in 2002. In 2001, the school changed its name to Highland Renaissance Academy, reflecting its commitment to and success with Renaissance.
REPORTING EDUCATOR: Jenell Bovis, principal.
The full report is available online.
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