Third-Graders Surpass State Scores on Illinois Standards Achievement Test

Lewis School, Carbondale, Illinois (IL)


DETAILS: School Profile: 276 students in grades 2-3; Demographics: Limited English proficiency: 9%, Free/reduced lunch: 78.5%; Race/Ethnicity: Black/African American: 47.0%, Hispanic or Latino: 12.0%, White: 40.0%, Asian or Pacific Islander: 0.7%.

RESULTS: After implementing Accelerated Reader with best practices, 2nd-grade scores on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) increased 6 percentile points over 4 years, while the number of 3rd graders meeting or exceeding standards on the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) increased by 8% over 3 years.

REPORTING EDUCATOR: Pamela K. Preston, principal.

The full report is available online.

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