A Correlation of Computer Adaptive, Norm Referenced, and Criterion Referenced Achievement Tests in Elementary Reading.

Dinuba Unified School District, Dinuba, California (CA)


DETAILS: Location: Dinuba, California; Design: Independent, reliability and validity research; Sample: 1,100 students in grades 3-6; Measures: Star Reading, Stanford Achievement Test (SAT-9), California Standards Test (CST).

RESULTS: This study of test scores from predominantly Hispanic students in the Dinuba Unified School District sought to determine the predictive ability of Star Reading for high-stakes assessments that are part of the accountability system in California, including the SAT-9 and the CST for English/Language Arts. Moderately strong to very strong correlations were found between Star Reading and these tests across all grades analyzed; correlation coefficients ranged from .69 to .87. The author concludes that Star Reading is an efficient use of time and labor in monitoring student progress in reading in the classroom, and recommends its use by California school administrators to measure progress toward state accountability goals.

AUTHOR: Louise Bennicoff-Nan, EdD.

The Summary of this study is available online.

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