Guided Independent Reading: An Examination of the Reading Practice Database and the Scientific Research Supporting Guided Independent Reading as Implemented in Reading Renaissance
Multiple schools, Multiple cities, Alabama (AL), Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Delaware (DE), Georgia (GA), Idaho (ID), Illinois (IL), Kentucky (KY), Louisiana (LA), Michigan (MI), Mississippi (MS), Missouri (MO), Nebraska (NE), New Mexico (NM), North Carolin
DETAILS: Location: 24 U.S. states; Design: Analysis of Reading Practice Database; Sample: 50,823 students in grades 1-12 at 139 schools; Measure: Star Reading; Duration: 1 school year.
RESULTS: This study of Accelerated Reader indicated that increased time spent reading leads to gains in reading achievement for all students regardless of prior ability, but only when the reading is highly successful. Regression analysis revealed that the single most important factor influencing both time spent reading and average percent correct is a student's teacher. Students in 2nd- through 8th-grade Renaissance Model- and Master-certified classrooms consistently outperformed students in non-certified classrooms and low-implementing classrooms.
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Publication Date:
Updated: 03/07/2011
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