Eleven Years of Assessing K-12 Achievement Using CAT: STAR Reading, STAR Math, and STAR Early Literacy
NA (site), NA (city),
DETAILS: Location: 48 U.S. states; Design: Reliability and validity research, longitudinal; Sample: User data for more than 30,000 students; Measures: Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math, external state tests; Duration: Data from 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years.
RESULTS: In June 2007, the Graduate Management Admissions Council convened a conference on computerized adaptive testing (CAT) at the University of Minnesota. That venue was chosen in
recognition of Minnesota's role in leading the research and development of CAT from its infancy in the 1970s to its
widespread use today. Participants in the conference included leading CAT researchers and users from around the world. The
final session of the conference featured presentations on 3 major CAT programs, one of which was this Renaissance presentation on the Star Assessments. Beginning with an overview of the history, development, and international dissemination of the adaptive Star tests, the presentation went on to present capsule summaries of data on the Star tests' technical quality, as well longitudinal and predictive data from users of the STARs. Those data illustrated the STARs' value for uses such as progress monitoring, predicting important educational outcomes, and longitudinal analysis of performance trends.
AUTHORS: Joseph Betts, PhD, MMIS and James R. McBride, PhD.
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