A Study of the Predictive Validity of the STAR Math Test for the Algebra 1 End of Course Exam
NA (site), NA (city), Missouri (MO)
This study was conducted to determine whether students in need of intervention in algebra could be identified earlier, providing more time for them to receive additional support. Scores from Star Math (taken in grade 8) and the Algebra I End-of-Grade Exam (taken in grade 9) were examined for 200 students from a Midwestern suburban high school. A simple liner regression determined a student's Star Math score from eighth grade was a valid predictor of the student's Algebra I End-of-Course test taken the following year, making the assessment helpful in indentifying students in need of extra interventions.
Citation: Smith, M. (2012). A study of the predictive validity of the Star Math test for the Algebra 1 End of Course exam. Maryville, MO: Northwest Missouri State University.
The full report is available online.
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