Evaluating the predictive validity of the Star Reading program
NA (site), NA (city), West Virginia (WV)
From the abstract: "Little research has been conducted to assess the validity of computer-based instruments used to access reading progress in the classroom. The current study evaluates the ability of the Star Reading program to predict subtest scores on the WJ IV ACH. Star Reading assessment was able to predict performace below the tenth percentile on reading subtest of the WJ IV ACH. The study provides a model for school psychologist to evaluate the computer-based asessments used in their schools."
Citation: Stroebel, S. S., Jennings, R. L., Lucas-Adkins, C., & Basford, A. (2019, February). Evaluating the predictive validity of the STAR Reading program. Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
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