Making sense of Smarter Balanced Assessment results for district staff: Summary of the December 2015 WERA Pre-Conference
NA (site), NA (city), Washington (WA)
From the abstract: "The first administration of the Smarter Balanced summative assessments in the spring of 2015 provided new data and renewed interest about how district formative assessments and academic achievement indicators are related to the new summative assessments. Nine school districts in Washington combined data, analytic expertise, and their impressions to explore this topic at a special session of the December 2015 WERA conference. Assessments explored included Measurements of Student Progress (MSP), Star Assessments, Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI), Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System, in addition to the secondary grade point average (GPA). This paper summarizes the analyses, thoughts, and ideas for further exploration that were presented at the conference. An appendix examines the relationship between the Smarter Balanced and NWEA MAP assessments."
Citation: Lagerquist, B. (2016). Making sense of Smarter Balanced Assessment results for district staff: Summary of the December 2015 WERA Pre-Conference. The WERA Educational Journal, 8(2), 3-13.
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