Impact and Implementation Evaluation of Lalilo: Phase 1 Brief

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"In 2021, WestEd partnered with Renaissance Learning to examine the impact of Lalilo on literacy achievement and reading attitudes among first grade students, and to develop an understanding of the link between Lalilo implementation, contextual factors, and program impact. Nineteen first grade teachers and reading specialists, and their students, were recruited to use Lalilo during the 2022-23 school year. This brief provides findings from the evaluation that relate to educators’ impressions of the Lalilo student program and educator dashboard, educators’ reported implementation of Lalilo, and educators’ perceptions of the impact of Lalilo on literacy achievement and student motivation and attitudes towards reading."

Citation: Soo Ping Chow, A., Nilsen, K., Boxerman, J., Cruz, J., & Ciancio, D. (2023). Impact and implementation evaluation of Lalilo: Phase 1 brief. WestEd..

The study is available online.

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