The Effects of the Accelerated Reader Program on the Reading Comprehension of Pupils in Grades Three, Four, and Five
Seven inner-city, Title 1, elementary schools, NA (city), Virginia (VA)
DETAILS: Location: Virginia; Design: Independent, quasi-experimental, peer-reviewed; Sample: 755 students in grades 3-5 at 7 schools; Measure: Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test; Duration: 1 school year.
RESULTS: This study investigated the effect of Accelerated Reader on the reading achievement and vocabulary development of students from a Title I, urban environment. Students categorized as high-Accelerated Reader users gained significantly more on reading comprehension than those students categorized as average and/or low users. Results indicated that the Accelerated Reader program can be quite effective if the participating students are willing to do supplemental reading.
AUTHORS: Roger A. Johnson, PhD and Carol Howard, PhD.
The Summary of this study is available online.
The Full Report is also available online.
Publication Date:
Updated: 11/01/2003
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